Celebrating the animated work of the most amazing cartoon character ever created. All original material copyright by the author so don't even think of stealing it.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tom Johnson??
Check out this post on Cartoon Brew. Compare the frame grab with photos below that I have of de facto director/animator Tom Johnson. Do you think the actor in the film is him??
Probably. You could watch the cartoon again and see who is directing the animation in "Vacationer's Paradise". If he is the director, than it is probably him...
Ears are highly individualistic. The ears in those other stills plausibly match those in the first still and in the film. But, in the film, the best views that we have are of the left ear, while the left ear not readily seen in the lower three stills.
They definitely look exactly the same to me, even right down to the haircut if you look really closely! This has got to be more than sheer coincidence.
Bob, I think you'll be interested in this. Jerry Beck posted a comment on that post. "UPDATE: Hal Seeger’s asstistant, Lenny Bird recalls that it was made for the Miami Chamber of Commerce, Hal’s son David Seeger remembers Jewish Anti-Defamation League and Hal’s daughter Holly Seeger had the impression that it was a combination of the two. The goal of the cartoon was to instruct the Immigrant population, mostly from NYC, how to conduct themselves properly while on vacation in Miami so as not to raise the eyebrows of other groups in the resort area of Miami Beach. Hal Seeger wrote it and Myron Waldman was one of the animators and it was shown in movie theatres as one of the shorts before the film. According to the Kodak edge code on the film, the print was struck in 1942." Too bad he removed the video and uploaded a clip.
Attention Collectors and Owners of Fleischer and Famous Studio Art
If you have a piece of Fleischer or Famous Studios production art that comes from an unknown title and needs identification - contact me. I have Identified pieces in the past for animation historian Jerry Beck, Leslie Cabarga (The Fleischer Story book), miscellaneous dealers, collectors, and readers of this blog. The only thing I ask for in return is a high quality scan of the art.
Could be.
You could watch the cartoon again and see who is directing the animation in "Vacationer's Paradise". If he is the director, than it is probably him...
Ears are highly individualistic. The ears in those other stills plausibly match those in the first still and in the film. But, in the film, the best views that we have are of the left ear, while the left ear not readily seen in the lower three stills.
They look identical to me.
They definitely look exactly the same to me, even right down to the haircut if you look really closely! This has got to be more than sheer coincidence.
Bob, I think you'll be interested in this. Jerry Beck posted a comment on that post.
"UPDATE: Hal Seeger’s asstistant, Lenny Bird recalls that it was made for the Miami Chamber of Commerce, Hal’s son David Seeger remembers Jewish Anti-Defamation League and Hal’s daughter Holly Seeger had the impression that it was a combination of the two. The goal of the cartoon was to instruct the Immigrant population, mostly from NYC, how to conduct themselves properly while on vacation in Miami so as not to raise the eyebrows of other groups in the resort area of Miami Beach. Hal Seeger wrote it and Myron Waldman was one of the animators and it was shown in movie theatres as one of the shorts before the film. According to the Kodak edge code on the film, the print was struck in 1942."
Too bad he removed the video and uploaded a clip.
Thanks. I heard that info directly from Jerry. It's good to have it noted here too.
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